Group Leader
Chen, Jin Li
E-mail: sa6001@mail.wzu.edu.tw
■ 綜理組內各項業務及活動執行
Management of the businessand activities of the section
■ 業管法規新訂、修正、廢止及申控作業
Regulation of the establishment, modification, and abolishment of rules and regulations
■ 校內重要活動之籌畫(主辦專科新生家長親師輔導座談會、開學典禮、導師會議;協辦教師節表揚大會、運動會、園遊會、畢業典禮...)
To dispose of the seat of activities
■ 導師費申管
Tutor’s fee application.
■ 工其有備計畫執行
Employment Preparation through Work-Study Program
■ 單位預算編控作業
Budget Control and Management Operations for Units
■ (主)組內行政(含各類會議及行政資料彙整)
In-group administration
Group member
Chen, Yu Song
E-mail: sa6002@mail.wzu.edu.tw
■ 學生就學貸款(含預撥申請、溢貸、溢繳作業、每月就貸學生學籍異動申報、學生海外實習、交換申貸作業)
Student loan(Including Pre-Dial application, overpayment, overpayment assignment, apply for monthly student status changes, student overseas Internship, and exchange loan application )
■ 學生學費、雜費減免作業
Student tuition, miscellaneous fee reduction
■ 學產低收入戶助學金與特殊專長計畫
Ministry of Education Foundation’s various student grant applications
Group member
Fang, Chun Hui
E-mail: sa6003@mail.wzu.edu.tw
■ 弱勢學生助學計畫申管業務(助學金、生活助學金、住宿優惠)
Application management for disadvantaged students aid program(Bursary, life bursary, accommodation offers)
■ 工讀助學金申管業務(經費分配、聘任管理、勞動權益維護)
Proceed Student Life and Learning Scholarship application
■ 學生獎助學金審議委員會議辦理及執行
Conduct affairs of Students Funds & Scholarships Committee and Part-Time Workers
■ 本校助學計畫申管業務(書籍費補助、特殊境遇學生助學金)
School aid program(book fee and student assistance for special situations )
■ 教育部圓夢助學網維護
Ministry of Education Help Dreams Websites maintenance
■ 辦理弱勢助學措 施說明會
■ 校務基本資料庫填報作業(10月)
Fill in the basic database of school affairs in October
■ 年度獎勵補助資料填報作業(11月)
Annual reward and subsidy information in November
■ 生輔組網頁管理及維護(含校內資訊公開)
Student Assistance Section web management and maintenance
■ (副)組內行政(含各類會議及行政資料彙整)
In-group administration
Group member
Kuo, Hsuan Yin
E-mail: sa6004@mail.wzu.edu.tw
■ 日間部學生勤、缺、假管理業務(含定察生相關輔導作業)
Daytime student attendance, absence, leave management(Including related tutoring assignments)
■ 學生獎懲(獎懲委員會)、銷過(含違規銷過)、操行、申訴/申復/訴願回應作業
Student awards and penalties (Awards and penalties committee), record expungement (Including violations expungement), conduct, procedures for appeals/requests for review/grievance responses
■ 日間部導師業務(含導師聘任、優良導師)
Day division tutor business(Including tutor appointment, selection of good tutors)
■ 專科部生活教育及管理作業(服儀檢查與輔導、班級經營輔導)
College Life Education and Management Operations
■ 班級幹部管理及培訓
Class Officer Management and Training
■ 學生學費、雜費緩繳申管業務
Student tuition, miscellaneous fee deferred application
■ 高職(五專前三年免學費)計畫申管作業
Junior college (1st to 3rd year) financial help organizer
Group member
Liu, Yi Chieh
E-mail: sa6005@mail.wzu.edu.tw
■ 教育部高教深耕計畫附錄一:完善就學協助機制執行
Higher education plan implementation: The implementation of financial aid for disadvantaged students
■ 教育部設置學產急難慰問金申管
Grant of the Educational Department.
■ 校內緊急紓困助學金申管
Emergency bailout grant application on campus
■ 經濟不利學生物資募集(二手制服、環保電腦)
■ 專科部生活教育及管理作業(中午校內外、午休秩序巡查)
College Life Education and Management Operations (off campus inspections at noon, lunch break order inspection)
■ 專科部低年級生活好模範計畫執行及管控
Junior college lower grade Good Life Model Project implementation and control.
■ 班會紀錄簿管理
Class meeting record book processing
■ 班櫃、公佈欄管理
Class locker and bulletin board management
■ 旗隊管理及輔導
Group member
Liu, Jia Xun
E-mail: sa6006@mail.wzu.edu.tw
■ 環境永續實踐輔導
Environmental Sustainability Practice Guidance
■ 校外獎助學金申管作業
Operations for apply to off-campus scholarships
■ 客語/新住民文化推動暨獎助學金申管作業
Hakka and New immigrant students activities manager (Hakkanese proficiency test scholarship)
■ 生輔組個資保護專員
Student Assistance Section personal protection officer
■ 教導師廣度陪伴計畫office hour登錄系統維護
Group member
Shih, Tzu Chien
E-mail: sa6007@mail.wzu.edu.tw
■ 協助品德教育之推動與執行(敬師活動、人權/法治教育、智慧財產權教育【學務處教育宣導綜整窗口】)
Character Education instructor(Intellectual property & human rights instructor, Ethic education instructor)
■ 品德教育推動委員會辦理與執行
The Committee for Promoting Moral Education handles and implements.
■ 導師評量作業
Homeroom teacher's job
■ 單位財產控管作業
Unit property control operations
■ 登革熱、大事紀要填報作業
Report on homework for dengue fever and major events
■ 電子看板字幕申請暨登錄作業
Update LED electronic board information
■ 遺失物管理(含義賣及捐助弱勢團體作業)
Lost Property Management(Including the operation of charity sale and the donation to disadvantaged groups)
■ 校級活動班級通知作業
■ 性平案件調查工作小組
Gender Equity Case Investigation Task Force